Luan Plywood Flooring can be very strong, as well as a solid surface which can be painted like other plywood materials. The key to a beautiful plywood paint job consists of three main steps: properly preparing the surface to accept paint, applying a high-quality primer and paint, and applying a superior polyurethane finish coat. For the best results, take your time with each step and carefully apply the polyurethane sealer for a smooth, sleek and professional look.
Instructions Below
1. Remove any globs of glue, paint or other materials from the floor using a putty knife or sander. Hammer in any nail heads that protrude above the surface
2. Sand the surface of the floor smooth. If the floor is covered with old paint or a urethane sealer, sand the luan plywood surface with a sander using 80-grit sandpaper.
3. Fill in knot holes, cracks and other defects with a hardening, epoxy floor leveling compound such as Bondo. Follow the manufacturer directions carefully. Do not use soft fillers such as caulk or joint compound as these materials will soften or dry out and crack with age. Allow the material to completely dry. Sand the material smooth with 100-grit sandpaper
4. Vacuum the floor thoroughly to remove all traces of sand, dirt and debris. Carefully vacuum corners along the wall and beneath baseboard trim. The floor must be completely free of dust and spotless or the paint will not adhere properly.
How to Bend Plywood
Best Paint for Luan Flooring
Purchase an enamel latex or oil paint and compatible primer. For example, if you select an oil-based paint, select a oil-based primer. Most paint stores provide a list of primers that accompany their paints
Apply a thin coat of primer with a hand paintbrush all along the edges of the floor by the wall. The coat should be thick enough so it covers the plywood floor surface but not so thick that it creates pools of primer on the floor surface.
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